“I want authors to have a good time writing their book; I want authors to be compensated fairly; I want authors to enjoy bringing their books to market; I want authors to sell lots of copies.”
A happy, gusty breath of relief escaped me when I read this. Community! Humanity! Pleasure! Collaboration! It’s all in Anne Trubek’s latest newsletter.
This #feedyourwritingfriday, subscribe to her Notes from a Small Press on Substack and get yourself a regular dose of insight + care from an editor and publisher.
What have you read this week that made you exhale instead of tense up, the way most reading on the internet does to me these days? Share in the comments so we can all benefit!

I’m sharing bits of good writing, other folks’ wise advice, online courses, rich resources, and other internet tidbits to nourish your craft online every Friday.
Fill your belly with these weekly morsels here or by following the hashtag #feedyourwriting on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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